60 Day Fitness Work Program

cheap fitness program

Customer Testimonials

“It’s very evident that they enjoy teaching and seeing their participant’s progress.“ -Jane H., Texas

Fitness Ranch Work Program

Rancho Cortez is a working ranch, so we need help preparing and serving meals, cleaning up, taking care of the grounds, office work, shoveling manure, and much more. Our fitness ranch work program offers you the same fitness benefits, plus a substantial rate discount, for your commitment of 10 hours per week to help out around the ranch.

If you can commit two months to get fit and improving your health, this program gives you the opportunity to do so while saving money and helping us improve our program. Work program participants share accommodations (double or triple occupancy) and have access to all exercise classes, horseback riding, and indoor/outdoor ranch facilities.

This is one of our most popular fitness options on the ranch. If you are serious about this program, book your reservations today to avoid any waiting time.

Commit to 60 days with one hour work per day and stay in one of the cabins for $12900. Call or email. Start anytime.

For more information or to make a reservation.

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Regular Program (available 365 days/year)

The Rancho Cortez Fitness Ranch is based on three core principles designed to boost dedication to success and produce long-term weight and health transformation.