Savannah Bordelon

Teaching Barrel Racing Camp In Bandera Texas With Savannah

A Working Horse Riding Ranch in the San Antonio, TX Area Savannah has been coming to Rancho Cortez for many years. She is one of the teachers of the barrel racing school that goes on at the ranch for 14 years. Along with her sister, Ashlyn, KD Cortez, and Larry Cortez they have taught dozen of young riders over the …

Rachael Cohan Interviewed

Rachael Cohan Interviewed On Her Time At Rancho Cortez

A Wonderful Experience At a Fitness Getaway Ranch Retreat Rachael Cohan found the ranch by searching on Google. Specifically, she searched for “Fitness Retreat Southeast”. This is because she wanted to be somewhere below the Mason-Dixon line. This search took her to Rancho Cortez was listed in Fit Stays and it seemed like the most compatible program for her. …

Cutty O'Leary

An Interview With Cutty O’Leary On Spending Weeks At The Fitness Camp

A Fulfilling Fitness Retreat Bringing Cutty O’Leary From Boston To Rancho Cortez Cutty was looking at the website of Rancho Cortez for at least a month or two. Her first requirement was finding a place that was warmer than Boston. That certainly meant getting on a plane from Logan Airport. She say a ‘bit warmer’ humorously because Massachusetts to Southern Texas …

Changing Rules On Safety Over The 15 Year History

A History Of Rancho Cortez ​

A Guest Ranch Serving Bandera & San Antonio, TX Rancho Cortez was founded by the married couple Mary Cortez and Larry Cortez.  As of 2020, it has been fifteen years since Mary and Larry found the ranch. In the beginning, it was Mary and Larry with their daughter, KD, and their son, Anthony, living together in Southern California. Their home …

Cowgirl Gym Class, Fitness Ranch

What to expect when you show up to a woman’s fitness camp

What to Know About Our Fitness Camp in Bandera, TX At Rancho Cortez, we run programs for 2 weeks to 60 days or longer.  Programs can also be tailored depending on how much time you have. We do not treat men and women any differently. We treat every person with the same care and give them space to take a …